External Linking Benefits: Building Trust and Authority in Blogging

When it comes to blogging, external linking is not just about backlinks. It’s a powerful tool that can help establish your credibility as a writer and build trust with your audience.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of external linking and how it can enhance your blogging SEO strategy.

Imagine you’ve written a blog post about the latest cameras. You may have included links to Amazon products, either through an affiliate program or simply as recommendations. However, external linking goes beyond promoting products. It involves linking to other reputable sources that support and complement your content.

Establishing Credibility

External linking allows you to showcase that you are a reputable writer who relies on reliable information. Just like when you were doing coursework and had to include references, external links serve as evidence to back up what you’re saying.

By linking to reputable postings, newsletters, or even descriptions of relevant topics, you demonstrate that you’ve done thorough research and are knowledgeable in your field.

Building Trust

You might be concerned that linking to other sources could lead readers away from your blog. While there is a possibility of losing some traffic, don’t be afraid of including external links. By providing a few relevant and valuable links, you show that you are confident in your content and willing to share additional resources with your audience.

Supporting Your Information

Think about where you acquired the information for your blog post on the latest cameras. Did you find it through research, conversations with industry experts, or by reading other articles?

By summarizing the main points and including links to the original sources, you give your readers the option to explore the topic further if they desire more detailed information.

For instance, if you wrote a blog post about a significant WordPress vulnerability, you might have condensed the information from a longer post.

By providing a link to the original source, you offer readers the opportunity to access a more comprehensive version with additional details and examples. This approach may seem counterintuitive, but it can actually enhance trust and credibility with your audience.

Collaboration Opportunities

Linking to other sources can also open doors for collaboration and networking. When influential bloggers or content creators notice that people are coming to their posts through your blog, they may reach out to you.

This could lead to exciting opportunities, such as guest posting or collaborating on future projects. This is also why having a contact page on your blog is essential.

By utilizing external linking, you not only enhance your credibility but also increase your chances of connecting with other professionals in your field.


In conclusion, external linking plays a crucial role in building trust and authority in the world of blogging. By strategically incorporating links to reputable sources, you establish credibility, support your claims, and provide additional value to your readers. While there may be a small risk of losing some traffic, the benefits of external linking outweigh the potential drawbacks.

Remember, a blog post without sufficient authority may feel isolated, and readers may question your expertise. By leveraging external links, you can create a robust blogging strategy that not only enhances your SEO but also fosters trust and engagement with your audience.

So, the next time you write a blog post, consider the power of external linking and watch your content flourish.

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